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Here are some of my projects. Click the boxes to check them out!

Autonomous Underwater vehicle

C++ (Arduino), Python

A mini submarine capable of traversing an obstacle course autonomouly

Zombie Survial Game


An original video game built on an embedded platform

Audio Frequency Spectrum Visualizer


A real time visualization tool that displays the weights of different frequencies in an audio sample

Smart Bluetooth Door Lock

C++ (Arduino), Java (Android)

A smart door lock which allows the use of an Android phone to lock and unlock a door via Bluetooth.

Multi-Order Vending Machine

Robot C, Lego NXT

A vending machine that dispenses a number of objects to the user in the order they are requested.

Line-Following Fuel Cell Car

C++, MSP430

A miniature car that automonously drives through obstacle courses, while running on hydrogen fuel cells.

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